Friday, February 21, 2014

Some pictures of my new backyard equipment!

Alrighty, so I am about to overwhelm you with photos and brief explanations of the things I have obtained recently to help me have more productive backyard training sessions!

First up are the new jumps I ordered. I will warn you that I have a small agility budget and am not able to buy a bunch of Launch the Dog jumps or other similar brands. I bought 3 economy training jumps. Let me tell you how I struggled to find a jump with a ground bar ON the ground! So many of them were approx. 4" above the ground and I can't use jump cup strips with those. I bought 5 pairs of Clip and Go jump cup strips (not the flexible kind but wish I had) and some flat back jump cups. The flat backs were really intended for a triple jump but I need that style for my current jumps. My current jumps are 3/4" PVC and I think I might even have a smaller diameter as well. 

Clip and Go jump cup strip

Flat back jump cup
I received a new training tunnel for Christmas but haven't set it up in the yard yet. I am hoping to get/make some form of sand bag and storage for it so that it doesn't get as damaged as the one I have now. I am aware that I have much cheaper tunnels than regulation tunnels but I could still make them last longer if I put them away when the weather got bad, etc. I have considered using dry storage bags w/ sand in them but I have also thought about using Ziploc Big Bags since they are tough and have handles. Decisions, decisions!

Dry storage bag
Ziploc Big Bags

My new tunnel (not actually pictured)

I also ordered some small plastic sport cones for drills. I can NEVER remember where to go next after each drill. I bought a set of 5 different colors and 10 cones for each color set. I thought that was a pretty good deal and the perfect amount of cones. Now I just need to keep the dogs from running off with them lol. I also bought some vinyl number stickers that are 1" tall.

Sport cones- 10 of each color

1" vinyl number stickers

If you'd like to weigh in on the listed options, you are welcome to. I'd appreciate new, economic suggestions but I do not want anyone to tell me that it's worth the money to buy any of the equipment in a more durable form. I just can't afford it no matter how you swing it.

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