Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Letter "M" (Part 1)

In my previous post from today, I talked about choosing a letter from Nancy Gyes' book Alphabet Drills. I chose the letter "M". I chose this letter because 1) It's easy to fit in my space 2) I only have about 6-7 jumps 3) I can work rear crosses which I am not good at and therefore my dogs don't read them well. I also set up the dogwalk that I borrowed from my trainer, Janet. The dogwalk isn't regulation for USDAA but it should suffice for training. I threw in some weave poles so that I can work weave pole independence as well. It'll be nice to switch it up during the week. Hopefully, I can get a few days of training in. I work super early every day this week so the evenings will have to work. I will post some pics of the set up in my yard, a page from Alphabet Drills, and some pics of the pups! This book is awesome!!!
As you can see if you look at my set up below, the rows of jumps should be diagonal from each other. I made them parallel (whoops!) Luckily we haven't practiced it yet!
I hope I don't get in trouble for sharing a page- I just wanted to share the idea  with you guys. There are 2 or 3 more pages to this letter. SOOOO many exercises with ONE letter!

The yard before the sequence setup...

Playing in the freshly cleaned kiddie pool :)

One view of the letter "M"

Another view of the letter "M"

The letter "M"

After reviewing, I may have to make some adjustments. Seems that the 2 rows of jumps are diagonal from one another. But, you get the idea.

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