Saturday, September 28, 2013

Last "W" Session and... The Letter "R"!

I was able to come by the house twice this past week and work Monster and Shawty on the "W" drill again as well as working some dogwalks! Much better energy from me so our performances were better :). One thing I found odd/interesting about doing this drill with Shawty was that, even with guide wires on, he still wanted to wrap the outside of the first pole when approaching the weaves from the left (which would make it the wrong side entry). I supposed he was going by memory when he has to wrap the first pole when approaching from certain angles from the right side but it was really difficult for me to figure out how to correct the issue other than to repeat it until he got it right and then give a big verbal marker but urge him to go. I felt like not pulling him form the weaves and charging on after the verbal reward was also a marker for him that he had done the right thing (as opposed to me stopping motion and calling him back to do it again). I think we still need some work in the weave department but we will try to squeeze it in this week. 

I would also like to make a side not that I wouldn't normally work so hard the week before a trial but we haven't been going to the big training field lately and, since I am financially strapped, I want to get the most out of this trial. I am concerned I won't be able to trial in November but am still hopeful. These guys always surprise me too- when I think I need to worry about one thing, something else is the issue. So maybe we will be ok... I am going to try really hard to get out to the training field this week if weather permits (it did not last week). 

Well, on to the letter "R". The "R" drill focuses on difficult tunnel entries- something both dogs have different issues with. This drill helps practice taking the opposite tunnel entry than the line the dog has been traveling. Review the picture below for a better idea:
The letter "R" drill form Nancy Gyes' Alphabet Drills

 The weather is cooling off and I am looking forward to working this drill. It is similar to a drill I worked both dogs in when I was taking Daisy Peel's Foundation Handling course online. In that drill, Daisy asked that we work the drill without verbal or physical cues other than changing our direction (to focus on timing) and to show us how even a subtle cue can be read if timed correctly. I have to keep that in mind when working this drill. There isn't much else for me to say right now because I haven't worked this drill yet, but I will post as soon as we do! Below I have posted pics of the setup in my yard (taken via Pano on iPhone) and of the way I decided to post these drill pages on the side of my house for reference. Since the course is constantly changing, even in one session, I wanted to be able to have a quick reference.
I taped copies of this drill in sheet protectors on the side of the house for easier and quicker reference!

The boys (Monster and Punch) waiting for the drill to start (not happening though)

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